Category: Mods

Portal Gun 1.4.7v4

– Fixed issue with backing up mod dat files.
– Fixed block grabbing whitelist not working.
– Fixed TileEntities that extend IInventory not dropping its contents when block entities fail to be placed.
– Fixed null bug in bullet entity.
– Fixed bullet entity going through blocks portals are on if freshly fired.
– Fixed accidental use of “getBlock” for recipe booleans.
– Fixed recipe for PortalGun and LFB not being added on dedicated servers.
– Fixed render of some items in creative survival inventory.
– Fixed crash due to users setting a negative range on moon portals (If you don’t want it to suck, put 0. Geez.)
– Moon Portals no longer pull entities if it is out of view (behind a block) and is unable to pull blocks.
– Turret AI overhaul, more focused on work done by the server to be told to the client rather than both having their own separate outcomes.
– Oracle Turrets no longer have lasers.
– Additional turret config options such as ignore owners, ignore invisible entities.
– Tweaked Turret Item.
– Turrets can now be dispensed out of dispensers if there is a non-air block below or two blocks below the dispenser face.
– Turrets not longer drop items if killed by a creative player.
– Changed bullet entity texture to look like streaks of light, more noticable than previous bullet texture.
– Allowed blocks which uses the chest render type (22) to be grabbed.
– Removed opening of Portal Spawner GUI when placed due to the item previously saving its configuration.
– Block entities which fall too far into the void will be killed.
– Block entities now respect block placement rules.


Gravity Gun 1.4.7v2

– Fixed block grabbing whitelist not working.
– Fixed TileEntities that extend IInventory not dropping its contents when block entities fail to be placed.
– Fixed being struck by lightning not upgrading the uncharged gravity gun.
– Allowed blocks which uses the chest render type (22) to be grabbed.
– Block entities which fall too far into the void will be killed.
– Block entities now respect block placement rules.


Trail Mix 1.4.7v4

– Added ID option for the trail mix effect. Change this to solve issues with ICBM’s Poison effect conflict.
– Adjusted mod packet sending.
– Fixed spazzy pigs swimming in water that have run out of trail mix.
– Optimized some of the nyan tunes to prevent lag when excess of nyan pigs are present.
– Slapped a try-catch as an attempted fix for the IndexOutOfBounds crash with too many trail mixed pigs.
– Glitchy pigs once the timer runs out should be fixed.
– Decreased fall damage of trail mixed pigs.
– Fixed NEI-ed launchers having INFINITE pig ammo, lagging the client to bits.
– You can now launch trail mixed pigs out of dispensers with armed launchers.

Gravity Gun 1.4.7v1
– Fixed crashing with Block entities.
– Fixed Out Of Bounds crashing with Block entities.
– Fixed Null Pointer Exception crashing with Block entities.
– Fixed Mystcraft Portal duplication glitch.
– Fixed “small” memory leak.
– Attempted fix at Block entities getting being placed in the floor.
– Added new model for fancy video settings, also by mr_hazard|d95.
– Made block grabbing respect block hardness, negative means no grabby.


Portal Gun 1.4.7v3

– Fixed error reading setting in the console.
– Fixed ceiling portal links putting the entity in the ceiling.
– Fixed floor portal links displacing the player too high.
– Fixed wall portal links setting the player too high.
– Fixed portals spawners being shown as a tool.
– Fixed zombies holding portal guns in the air.
– Fixed crashing with Block entities.
– Fixed Out Of Bounds crashing with Block entities.
– Fixed Weighted Companion Cubes not healing the player.
– Fixed Command info being cut off due to excess length of chat message.
– Fixed crash due to limit in mod chunkloaders hit.
– Fixed Mystcraft Portal duplication glitch.
– Fixed Single Coloured Portal resetting both colours.
– Attempted fix at complete loss of momentum when portalling to areas unloaded to the client.
– Attempted fix at stuck in ground issue when portalling to areas unloaded to the client.
– Attempted fix at Block entities getting being placed in the floor.
– Added option to allow only command executers to place portals on the moon.
– Added note for users who put modPartsDisabled as letters and not numbers.
– Added config to use the old PortalGun and LFB recipes, dubbed Easy Mode.
– Added “glow” to “glowy” parts of the PortalGun model.
– Made block grabbing respect block hardness, negative means no grabby.

Been getting a bunch of mod pack requests lately…. If you have one in a PM on MCF waiting, you’ll be getting a reply to this link (sorry, but i really have been getting too many to type a reply for every one of them!)

Mod Packs




Rewrote ranking system to fix the all the bugs with the leaderboard
Your own ranking is now shown to you if not on the leaderboard.
Added reset deaths command.

Trail Mix:
Fixed interation with saddled pigs while holding trail mix being buggy.
Added explosion cap in case of pig travelling at the speed of light.
Added two more text lines to the attacking effect.

Hey all,

I’ve started a Let’s Play series on my YouTube channel. The LP will be recorded on the whitelisted and invite only ForgeCraft dev server, which I’ve long been invited to join (since it was known as PahiCraft).

My mods currently on the server are Back Tools, Gravity Gun and Portal Gun. I may be adding Mob Dismemberment to my client in the future, but as of now it is not installed.

At time of post the first and second episodes are already up on the channel, but mind you it’s my first time recording so many apologies if its a bit crappy! (I’m getting better though!)

I’ve decided on a Tuesday and Thursday release schedule, that’ll be two episodes a week for as long as the series runs, with no hiccups if possible! Not to forget I’ve got real life to think about as well as my own mods to maintain, so won’t be doing a daily release *cough* like direwolf20 *cough* (go check him out though, he’s awesome!).

Anyways, that’s pretty much it for now, if you like my videos feel free to comment/subscribe/tell others about it (heh).


oHaiiChun on YouTube

Two days ago, Snapshot 13w02b was released. This snapshot (along with 13w02a) contains a new rendering system for the entire game, having each block/item consisting of multiple texture files for rendering.

Right now I do not know of the stance of Risugami’s ModLoader (ML) on this change, if it were to adapt somehow or discontinue, because according to cpw (who does FML), this change completely break’s ML’s overriding system.

The mods possibly affected are all my ML (Forge compatible) mods: Back tools, Mob amputation, Mob dismemberment, Pig Grinder.

What I’m trying to point out here is that ModLoader may not work the same way in snapshot 13w02b when fully released (I assume it will be called 1.5, and will refer to it as such from now on), so it might break the mods in some way. However, if I have to take the step, I will be moving the mod to use Forge/FML rather (ML mods have always worked on Forge/FML).

On a side note, for those who use the Pig Grinder mod, I will be discontinuing it as a ModLoader mod, and will continue it as a Forge Mod (making it SMP compatible) in the future.


TL;DR: ML may be changing in 1.5. My ML mods may convert to Forge due to it. Pig Grinder is confirmed to switch over.
