Currently for Minecraft 1.10.2

- Entirely Client-Side. Does not need to be installed on the server.
- Originated from a private mod (also by the name of PiP) I had written for myself for the use of my Forgecraft series. Requested to be made public by Gigabit101, so I revamped and rewrote it.
- Renders other player’s Point of Views in a “Picture-in-Picture” style on the Minecraft screen when no GUI is open.
- Renders can be toggled on and off in-game! A player’s face instead of a render indicates that the player is out of range/unavailable.
- Allows unlimited renders of different player PoVs in a single line in several positions and orientations (until your computer hangs at 1 FPS even!)
- You can selectively show only one person’s PoV by scrolling your mouse while holding the toggle key while toggling it on (indicated by the white border, hit the toggle key again to disable).
- You can toggle first person/third person states by hitting the middle mouse button on a selected PoV (the white border!). Yeah, you can do a full 360 view of yourself!
- Config options to adjust size, update frequency (to decrease lag), orientation, positions, etc! You can change them In-game (Hit escape, hit the Options button, then hit the O key).
- In-game Commands with /pip to quickly add or remove a player PoV, or list down the tracked players.
Known Issues
- Does not work with the Shaders and some other mods. Only shows a blank fog render.
- Causes certain issues with minimap mods, causing it to flicker.
- If you’re getting a “Framebuffers not supported” message, make sure the fboEnable setting in Minecraft is turned on, and restart and try again. If that doesn’t work, you really don’t support framebuffers (according to minecraft)
- Potential crash with bspkrs’ Core with rendering player/mob on the main menu. Disabling it in their config file fixes it for now.
- Potential exploitation of this mod (since it’s 100% client-side and allows watching other people without their consent). I leave it to the community and the users to do the right thing, and apologise to server owners in advance.
- Because of how the mod is purely client-side, the limit of tracking other players is bound to Minecraft’s max tracking distance of other players, so no, this does not work across dimensions or long distances.
- I’m aware of the Buddycam mod. I’m in no way trying to replace it. This is my take on a “other player’s PoV” mod, with my own preferences/tweaks. Features and functions may differ from the Buddycam mod. Entirely up to you which mod you’d rather use.