Category: Tabula

iChunUtil 5.4.0:
– Added a general Logger class for use of mods so that console print outs would go through the FMLLog and be labelled with a mod name correctly.
– Added version check to prevent people running the 5.X.X builds of iChunUtil on Minecraft 1.7.10.
– Added an event that is thrown when the Minecraft Client is in a world after first connecting to a server.
– Added dummy Config Gui to allow mods that use iChunUtil’s Config System to have iChunUtil’s in-game config changer be accessed from the mods list from the main menu.
– Added labels to ElementHoriSlider for use of other mods in the future.
– Added new Patron Effect for Q2 of 2015 called “Ghost Trails”. Thanks to madjake45 for the suggestion.
– Added wrapper to render ModelBase classes in an ISmartModel. Simple and PerspectiveAware types available. Used for Item and Block models.
– Added Cube and Group metadata to the Tabula Project format. To be used in other mods in the future.
– Added a “renderTick” reference for other mods to use instead of having to cache their own.
– Added a “Swing Proof” registry for Items that do not swing the player arm because they are locked in a bow use animation.
– Added a “Grab” registry for mods that would like to allow EntityLivings to “grab” objects and keep them in front of their faces.
– Added an EntityBlock class that’s made for the purpose of carrying multiple blocks with their TileEntities in a single entity.
– Added a function to render electric/lightning arcs, taken and appropriated from the EntityLightning render.
– Fixed usage of the OreDictionary in terms of caching the OreDict entry instead of calling for it’s reference as requested by LexManos.
– Fixed “Restart required” prompt in the configs menu not showing up.
– Fixed number input boxes having improper lengths in the config changer menu.
– Fixed tooltips with \\n in them rendering as a single line.
– Fixed Voxel Patron Effect not working if the world daylight cycle was turned off.
– Fixed issue with patron effects and Factorization due to them ticking a shadow client world by using the world unload method.
– Fixed the top dock window blocking a docked ElementListTree implementation in the UI core.
– Fixed use of client-only function that was accidentally set in iChunUtil during the port to Minecraft 1.8, but was unused by any mod thusfar.
– Fixed issue changing configs in-game when there is a scroll bar in the configs menu and it is scrolled down.
– Updated Morph API references to match the ones that will be used in 1.8.0.
– Updated renderQuad method to match Forge’s due to their ISmartModel implementation.
– Notify users if they are changing a config that relies on the server’s session with the client that it may require a restart as well.
– Moved Tabula’s Exporter class to iChunUtil. It fits better there than with Tabula.
– Reorganised relevant patron effect classes in preparation for more Patron Effects in the future.
– iChunUtil now by default enables the use of stencils on the Minecraft framebuffer. If this causes issues with the client, disable it in the config.
– Improved mod version control to prevent end users using the wrong versions of mods on the wrong versions of Minecraft.
– Some minor background changes/tweaks.

Back Tools 5.1.0:
– Updated to the gui and logger system implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0.
– Disable rendering items that uses the ModelBaseWrapper in iChunUtil on the back.

Tabula 5.1.0:
– Updated to the gui and logger system implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0.
– Added option to lock swap the position and offset when moving a block.
– Fixed the minimum animation component key being 1 when it should be 0.
– Fixed cubes with one of the dimensions being 0, not appearing on the exported texture map.
– Clamp the rotation sliders to prevent the selectors from scrolling off the slider and off the window.
– Moved Tabula’s Exporter class to iChunUtil. It fits better there than with Tabula.
– Implemented the cube and group metadata implemented in the Tabula Project version 4.
– Removed checking for IItemRenderers for importing. It’s no longer used on 1.8.

Torched, Trail Mix 5.0.0:
– Updated to use various systems implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0, and to Minecraft 1.8.0.

– Right clicking a number input box will clear it.
– Hitting the up and down arrow keys will change the values the same way as scrolling.
– Fixed crash with AnimationComponent due to accidental use of a Java 7 function (Shame on you guys)
– Deselecting an empty number input box will insert a zero to prevent possible crashing.
– Added a metadata component to ProjectInfo for use of other mods (as well as Tabula)
– Update required for Tabula 5.0.0

– Updated to use for Minecraft 1.8.
– You can also import models from the new LayerRenderer system introduced in MC1.8
– Both player models are available for importing.
– Fixed crashing when submitting a number input element that’s empty or contains a negative sign.
– Changed button adding event priority to allow some other mods to capture ours if it wants.
– Fixed Tabula configs generating serverside when it shouldn’t.
– Fixed several crashes caused by opening the Tabula GUI.
– Core UI code has been moved to iChunUtil for use of other mods (This was included in iChunUtil 5.0.0)
– Configs have been updated to use iChunUtil’s new Config system.
– Fixed WindowTexture still rendering the bound texture even when minimized.
– Added several new themes.
– Added a button to automatically map the texture offsets. Credits to FraserKillip for this.
– Fixed crashing when blacklisting a model via IMCMessage
– Fixed copied children not movable due to improper parent reassignment.
– Added support for new ProjectInfo metadata input.
– Added Ghost Model rendering, for use of modellers to create a model that’s meant to render on top of an existing model. These read saved Tabula projects.
– Added clicking of the orient-furnace to change the camera orientation.

– Mostly updates to ProjectInfo for Tabula and AT additions for TwitchPlays.

– Fixed mcScale field not being added to the Java Exporter.
– Fixed addChild calls in the Java Exporter.
– Fixed crashing when hitting enter/scrolling on empty number input boxes.
– Fixed division by zero causing a crash with dragging windows.
– Fixed docking windows on the lower dock which was supposed to be scrapped for animations.
– Fixed importing projects that had groups.
– Added precision input when scrolling on number input boxes.
– Added a “Paste without Children” button, removes child models when copying a Cube.
– Added a project scale value for models. The higher the scale, the smaller/more details your models will be.
– Added Themes support.
– Added config file, with in-editor config editing.
– Added opacity field for cubes.
– Added Animations support.
– Added Multiplayer support.
– Added on-model drag controls. Right/Up dragging increases, Down/Left dragging decreases.
– Changed New Project window to define some fields if the user left them empty instead of rejecting the input.
– Changed how non-mob models are imported. It tries to bind to the first texture found in the rendering class now instead.
– Changed the toggleable button’s colour when toggled on. Should be more obvious that it is turned on now.
– Changed chat window so that it remembers its position now.
– Changed “Toggle Chat Window” button to only show up when the session is a multiplayer session.

Very bad example of Tabula in a different theme compared with the original, Tabula 4.1.0 WIP.

Hey guys,

Dislike the 50 shades of gray tone of Tabula’s theme? Don’t like the Minecraft Planks block in the middle of workspace and would like another block? Well I’m actually looking for people to help make themes for Tabula. Unfortunately in the mod there is no Theme selector as of yet, and the animation window hasn’t been done yet, but what I can give you is an early WIP build of 4.1.0.

In 4.1.0-beta1 (which will need iChunUtil 4.1.3-beta1), when you start up Minecraft with it installed, a new JSON file will be generated in the /mods/tabula/themes/ folder called default.json. Edit this file to your liking, leave the Tabula window and reenter and your theme should automatically be applied unless you did something wrong with the theme file. The number ranges in the JSON file are in RGB format, 0 to 255.

When you are satisfied with your theme, drop a comment in this post with a link to your Theme (on a text hosting site or something, screenshot optional) and I’ll come gather them later. Should I find enough suitable themes, I’ll package it up for the 4.1.0 and add a selector in-game as well.

Downloads (for a limited time only!):
iChunUtil 4.1.3-beta2
Tabula 4.1.0-beta2

Cheers and Merry Christmas!

– Fixed running iChunUtil in deobf environment due to ATs used by iChunUtil.
– Opening/Importing of Tabula files is now modular, people can now easily add their own models formats for Tabula.
– Added German and Italian localizations
– Fixed crashing due to copying, then deleting cubes with children.
– Fixed model tree showing objects although there was no model open, leading to crashes.
– Tabula button in main menu now tries to find a free slot to place itself.
– Fixed flickering when clicking on model pieces.

Unfortunately Tabula 4.0.2 will need iChunUtil 4.1.2 to run properly, so you will need to update both.

– Hotfix: Fix loading a texture the first time making the Tabula think it was a remote texture.
– Hotfix: Fix opening of Tabula files converted from Techne files.
– Hotfix: Fix texture mapping of models imported from Minecraft which were created with Techne’s Java Exporter.
– Hotfix: Fix child model attachment in the Java Exporter.
– Hotfix: Fix Incorrect mcScale being sent to the mainframe if the model was a child model.
– Hotfix: Added project texture exporter.
– Hotfix: 16×16 grid actually aligns with the wooden block now.
– Fix crashing due to non-english locale using commas for decimal separators.
– Fix crashing due to players having no proper UUID in dev environment
– Importing a model without textures mapped will now set the texture dimensions from the model.
– Tabula now looks for non-mob and item mod models as well.
– Tabula will open if you hit T in the main menu, if the button is obscured.
– Added New, Open, Save project keyboard shortcuts.
– Deobf versions of iChunUtil and Tabula are now available for running in Dev environments without CodeChickenCore


Hotfix means the version you’re running might have already had it fixed, but is listed for sake of changelog.

Why iChunUtil and Tabula: iChunUtil contains Tabula’s main save format so that it can be used/imported in the future, eg when Hats uses Tabula files instead of Techne files.