Search Results for: iChunUtil

– Properly implement some shader stuff to improve performance.
– Fix accidental double-spawning of particles which was causing some crashing issues with other mods (and vanilla) when breaking blocks.
– Fix being unable to use items when a world portal was rendering in first person.
– Fix weird rendering when holding two dual handed items whilst rendering a world portal in first person.
– Fix EULA alert never showing up in obfuscated environment.
– Fix World Portals kicking clients off the server when a non-player entity went into it.

– Fixed server crashing with World Portals
– Updated render code to match 1.10.2’s. Might reduce some rendering artifacts of World Portals

Portal Gun:
– Fix being unable to turn off Fancy Portals config.
– Fix crash when a block next to a portal changes whilst the portal is being placed.
– Fix fancy portal “aura” overlapping with another portal causing the overlapped area to show the block behind the portal.
– Fix changing to an empty hand whilst grabbing a block/entity allowing the entity to remain grabbed.
– Fix “moving portal” render when camera is in third person facing the player.
– Fix portals not pairing properly when on dedicated servers.
– Fancy portal “aura” only renders if MC’s graphics are set to fancy, with PG’s configs set to fancy portals as well.
– Properly set the uniform fields in the shader which may have been causing the green/black/invalidly-open portals. #BlameAma
– Portal Guns given via command (or similar) will now have NBT tags assigned when the player first tries to use it.
– Ender Pearl dust is now properly localized.
– Miniature black hole item now renders with glint.

Gravity Gun:
– Fix changing to an empty hand whilst grabbing a block/entity allowing the entity to remain grabbed.
– Fix fixing a bug in iChunUtil causing another bug.

Bee Barker, Trail Mix, Torched:
– Fix fixing a bug in iChunUtil causing another bug.

– Item models makes a return, with much difficulty.
– Reimplement several helper methods.
– Add two-handed item handling, for use of several mods.
– Fix improper month check causing events to occur a month late.
– Fix patron effects locking if changed too rapidly.
– Fix improper rendering of the EntityBlock entity.

All Others:
– Updated for Minecraft 1.10.2.
– Now require Java 8+.
– Primary Items in each mod are now two-handed items.

Back Tools:
– Fixed lighting issues in the world and in the GUI caused by rendering a back tool.

– Fixed issues caused by thread collisions between the network thread and the main thread, causing crashes in both iChunUtil and other mods (such as IC2)
– Fixed being unable to craft the compact porkchop on dedicated servers.
– Several adjustments to iChunUtil’s EntityBlock, including events and API changes. Currently unused by any mod AFAIK.
– Change Compact Porkchop’s registered name to conform to Minecraft’s asset naming convention.
– Large code cleanup and refactor. Java 8 is used code-wise as well now and now becomes a hard requirement.

Okay, before I write the changelog for these mods, let me explain why it has taken this long to update them.

A long while back, I realised iChunUtil was a big mess of code and chose to rewrote it. However, because of its size, it took quite a while working on it and eventually I got burnt out working on it. I had a lot of plans for the rewrite, and then life gets in the way, and as a result, this rewrite is not 100% done. It is still missing quite a significant amount of code and the other mods updated today are the few mods that could be updated with what code was already in there.

Unfortunately I would have to say that life is, once again, getting in the way, so this will be my last update for 1.10.2 until January 2017. Don’t fret though, I will update my mods eventually. Time flies, so I’ll be back at it in no time.

Till next time though!




iChunUtil-dependent mods released for 1.10.2 or later: 7/22

All mods – 6.0.0
– Updated to MC 1.10.2
– Updated to conform to Forge’s new mod id requirements.
– Code cleanup

– Rewrote mod from scratch, with large code optimization and (hopefully) performance improvements.
– Improved management of many multi-mod functions.
– Improved version bounds to prevent accidental use of iChunUtil-dependent mods for other MC versions.

Guilt Trip
– Removed bossKills config as it is no longer possible to easily detect Boss Entities in MC.

Mob Amputation
– Fixed crashing when gibbing with Fishing Rods.

Picture-in-Picture (PiP)
– Improved memory use when multiple PiPs are present.

– Heavily optimized rendering code.


iChunUtil – 4.2.3
– Remove TheInfection from iChunUtil. It will be rewritten and readded properly in the future.

Morph – 0.9.3
– Fix hostileMode capping at 4, making option 5 unselectable
– Add /morph morph [player name] <entity name> command

Sync – 4.0.1
– Fix endless resync when dying to void damage/20+ damage in 6 seconds.
– Added config to reduce max health every death sync.

This will be the final updates to my mods for 1.7.10. All other mod updates/releases will be for 1.10.2 onwards.

– Fixed int configs wihout a min/max or boolean value
– Fixed changing configs with the scroll wheel if the config page has a scroll bar
– Fixed crashing on login due to receiving packets too early
– Fixed rendering issues with items that are locked in the bow animation when switching from third person to first person while using the item.
– Possibly increased compatibility for the Patron Effects
– Added required ATs for Blocksteps and Bee Barker
– Added functions required by Blocksteps and Morph
– Added two new patron effects, for Q3 and Q4 of the year.

iChunUtil 5.4.0:
– Added a general Logger class for use of mods so that console print outs would go through the FMLLog and be labelled with a mod name correctly.
– Added version check to prevent people running the 5.X.X builds of iChunUtil on Minecraft 1.7.10.
– Added an event that is thrown when the Minecraft Client is in a world after first connecting to a server.
– Added dummy Config Gui to allow mods that use iChunUtil’s Config System to have iChunUtil’s in-game config changer be accessed from the mods list from the main menu.
– Added labels to ElementHoriSlider for use of other mods in the future.
– Added new Patron Effect for Q2 of 2015 called “Ghost Trails”. Thanks to madjake45 for the suggestion.
– Added wrapper to render ModelBase classes in an ISmartModel. Simple and PerspectiveAware types available. Used for Item and Block models.
– Added Cube and Group metadata to the Tabula Project format. To be used in other mods in the future.
– Added a “renderTick” reference for other mods to use instead of having to cache their own.
– Added a “Swing Proof” registry for Items that do not swing the player arm because they are locked in a bow use animation.
– Added a “Grab” registry for mods that would like to allow EntityLivings to “grab” objects and keep them in front of their faces.
– Added an EntityBlock class that’s made for the purpose of carrying multiple blocks with their TileEntities in a single entity.
– Added a function to render electric/lightning arcs, taken and appropriated from the EntityLightning render.
– Fixed usage of the OreDictionary in terms of caching the OreDict entry instead of calling for it’s reference as requested by LexManos.
– Fixed “Restart required” prompt in the configs menu not showing up.
– Fixed number input boxes having improper lengths in the config changer menu.
– Fixed tooltips with \\n in them rendering as a single line.
– Fixed Voxel Patron Effect not working if the world daylight cycle was turned off.
– Fixed issue with patron effects and Factorization due to them ticking a shadow client world by using the world unload method.
– Fixed the top dock window blocking a docked ElementListTree implementation in the UI core.
– Fixed use of client-only function that was accidentally set in iChunUtil during the port to Minecraft 1.8, but was unused by any mod thusfar.
– Fixed issue changing configs in-game when there is a scroll bar in the configs menu and it is scrolled down.
– Updated Morph API references to match the ones that will be used in 1.8.0.
– Updated renderQuad method to match Forge’s due to their ISmartModel implementation.
– Notify users if they are changing a config that relies on the server’s session with the client that it may require a restart as well.
– Moved Tabula’s Exporter class to iChunUtil. It fits better there than with Tabula.
– Reorganised relevant patron effect classes in preparation for more Patron Effects in the future.
– iChunUtil now by default enables the use of stencils on the Minecraft framebuffer. If this causes issues with the client, disable it in the config.
– Improved mod version control to prevent end users using the wrong versions of mods on the wrong versions of Minecraft.
– Some minor background changes/tweaks.

Back Tools 5.1.0:
– Updated to the gui and logger system implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0.
– Disable rendering items that uses the ModelBaseWrapper in iChunUtil on the back.

Tabula 5.1.0:
– Updated to the gui and logger system implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0.
– Added option to lock swap the position and offset when moving a block.
– Fixed the minimum animation component key being 1 when it should be 0.
– Fixed cubes with one of the dimensions being 0, not appearing on the exported texture map.
– Clamp the rotation sliders to prevent the selectors from scrolling off the slider and off the window.
– Moved Tabula’s Exporter class to iChunUtil. It fits better there than with Tabula.
– Implemented the cube and group metadata implemented in the Tabula Project version 4.
– Removed checking for IItemRenderers for importing. It’s no longer used on 1.8.

Torched, Trail Mix 5.0.0:
– Updated to use various systems implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0, and to Minecraft 1.8.0.

– More work has been done on WorldPortals
– Some changes have been made to the Tabula model format in preparation for Hats. The Tabula mod version 5.0.0 may not work with this version of iChunUtil.
– Tiny fixes to the Top Dock Window in the UI Core.
– Forge dependency bumped, mainly for PiP support.
– Added more ATs required by PiP and future mods.

– Ported to MC 1.8, obviously.
– Half-fixed the sky render during a sunset/sunrise (The colour is mildly better anyways)
– Issues with player shadows somewhat showing the fog render. I’m not sure how to fix this right now but the mod itself is functional.

– Fixed critical error in mappings causing invalid thread info.
– Added additional checks to prevent the above from happening again.

Wanna add that iChunUtil 5.3.0 is in the pipeline, and will be released along with a Hats and Tabula update. Animated hats coming soon! Woo!