Category: Mod Updates

– Ported to Minecraft 1.8.0 (obviously)
– Most of the packages have been refactored.
– Removed most of Techne support in favour of Tabula support. Techne files can be read using Tabula’s importer class.
– The “Show more options” button in the Options menu can now be clicked on to go to iChunUtil’s options menus.
– MD5Checksum class has been moved into the IOUtil class.
– PacketHandler and ChannelHandler classes have been merged into a single class to ease packet sending and channel creation.
– Model recreation in ModelHelper now uses Tabula’s close to perfect model reconstruction.
– Fixed rendering of on-model controls on parent models when their child models are selected for Tabula.
– Added renderIBakedModel function for use of Tabula and BackTools.
– Added ModelBase comparison code.
– Packets now execute on the main tick thread instead of the networking thread to prevent ThreadCollision issues, with opt-out boolean.
– Configs have been revamped. Literally tossed out the window and rewritten from scratch.
– Tabula’s UI Core moved into iChunUtil for use of Keygrip and other mods.
– In-Game Config editor has been revamped to use Tabula’s UI Core.
– Packets are checked before being sent to ensure they are registered to prevent modder error.
– Fixed crash caused by other mods by registering a keybind too early.
– Added method to compress and decompress a String using GZIP.
– Input elements in Tabula’s UI Core now respond properly to mouse clicks.
– Added a random changelog line in here, cause I wonder how many people actually read these.
– Added FakeNetwork stuff to allow spawning of FakePlayers in the WorldServer.
– Added “attack entity with item” function to be used by non-player entities.
– Added obfuscation check to tell off users running the deobf version of the mod in a normal environment.
– Patron voxel aura no longer appears when the player is sleeping.
– Added a central “entity tracking” registry system, since several of my mods seem to use that. Patron voxel aura uses this now.
– Added “Compact Raw Porkchop” block to iChunUtil, can be disabled via config.
– Added a new Patron reward type.
– Updated localizations, many thanks to the translators, shoutout to Adaptivity for updating the Russian localizations for pretty much all my mods.
– Fixed authorsList in, thanks iLexiconn.

Hey guys,

Just wanna let you know that my 4th ModJam mod, It Fell From The Sky (IFFTS) will no longer be updated to the latest Minecraft version.

Reasons for this are mainly because IFFTS was mainly an experiment for Morph’s planned meteorite strike. This doesn’t mean that it’ll be coming any sooner, it’s just to say that I won’t be updating it to MC 1.8 and later.

For those of you who will miss the Compressed Porkchop block introduced in IFFTS, I will be moving it to iChunUtil in 1.8, configurable (enabled by default). The source code for the mod can be found here. Other than that, it’s time to say goodbye to Pigzilla.

Why discontinue the mod? If you guys didn’t know, I have a lot of mods and many more in planning/unannounced. While it’s fun to make mods, maintenance for them can take a lot of time, which can be very hard to come by sometimes. The less mods I have to maintain, the more time I can spend on adding to/improving existing mods. I’m sure you guys miss PortalGun and Gravity Gun, I miss having time to work on them too. That, and I’ve got at least 1 unannounced mod planned for the time being, so look forward to that in the future as well.

So long Pigzilla, many thanks for all the laughs and for what you’ve taught me.



– Mostly updates to ProjectInfo for Tabula and AT additions for TwitchPlays.

– Fixed mcScale field not being added to the Java Exporter.
– Fixed addChild calls in the Java Exporter.
– Fixed crashing when hitting enter/scrolling on empty number input boxes.
– Fixed division by zero causing a crash with dragging windows.
– Fixed docking windows on the lower dock which was supposed to be scrapped for animations.
– Fixed importing projects that had groups.
– Added precision input when scrolling on number input boxes.
– Added a “Paste without Children” button, removes child models when copying a Cube.
– Added a project scale value for models. The higher the scale, the smaller/more details your models will be.
– Added Themes support.
– Added config file, with in-editor config editing.
– Added opacity field for cubes.
– Added Animations support.
– Added Multiplayer support.
– Added on-model drag controls. Right/Up dragging increases, Down/Left dragging decreases.
– Changed New Project window to define some fields if the user left them empty instead of rejecting the input.
– Changed how non-mob models are imported. It tries to bind to the first texture found in the rendering class now instead.
– Changed the toggleable button’s colour when toggled on. Should be more obvious that it is turned on now.
– Changed chat window so that it remembers its position now.
– Changed “Toggle Chat Window” button to only show up when the session is a multiplayer session.

– Fixed running iChunUtil in deobf environment due to ATs used by iChunUtil.
– Opening/Importing of Tabula files is now modular, people can now easily add their own models formats for Tabula.
– Added German and Italian localizations
– Fixed crashing due to copying, then deleting cubes with children.
– Fixed model tree showing objects although there was no model open, leading to crashes.
– Tabula button in main menu now tries to find a free slot to place itself.
– Fixed flickering when clicking on model pieces.

Unfortunately Tabula 4.0.2 will need iChunUtil 4.1.2 to run properly, so you will need to update both.

– Hotfix: Fix loading a texture the first time making the Tabula think it was a remote texture.
– Hotfix: Fix opening of Tabula files converted from Techne files.
– Hotfix: Fix texture mapping of models imported from Minecraft which were created with Techne’s Java Exporter.
– Hotfix: Fix child model attachment in the Java Exporter.
– Hotfix: Fix Incorrect mcScale being sent to the mainframe if the model was a child model.
– Hotfix: Added project texture exporter.
– Hotfix: 16×16 grid actually aligns with the wooden block now.
– Fix crashing due to non-english locale using commas for decimal separators.
– Fix crashing due to players having no proper UUID in dev environment
– Importing a model without textures mapped will now set the texture dimensions from the model.
– Tabula now looks for non-mob and item mod models as well.
– Tabula will open if you hit T in the main menu, if the button is obscured.
– Added New, Open, Save project keyboard shortcuts.
– Deobf versions of iChunUtil and Tabula are now available for running in Dev environments without CodeChickenCore


Hotfix means the version you’re running might have already had it fixed, but is listed for sake of changelog.

Why iChunUtil and Tabula: iChunUtil contains Tabula’s main save format so that it can be used/imported in the future, eg when Hats uses Tabula files instead of Techne files.

UPDATE: My mods now come with the MC version they’re intended for in the file name before the version number from 1.10.2 onwards. Just look for the bunch of numbers after the name but before the dash (-).


Hey guys,

I’ve been seeing a few posts asking what mod version is for what version of Minecraft, so I’d just like to point out this old post of mine from a while back that explains how my version numbering works.

Anyhow, let’s get to it:

  • The version number starts with a number equal to or larger than 2. This is the start of the new versioning system I’m currently using. Mods with this versioning system will require iChunUtil.
    • 2.X.X is for Minecraft 1.6.2/4
    • 3.X.X is for Minecraft 1.7.2
    • 4.X.X is for Minecraft 1.7.10
    • 5.X.X is for Minecraft 1.8.0
    • 6.X.X is for Minecraft 1.10.2 (1.8.9, 1.9.0 and 1.9.4 do not exist because I have no mods on those that use this system)
  • The version number is <Minecraft Version>-1.X.X. These mods have the MC version labelled next to the download and does not require iChunUtil.
  • The version number starts with 0.X.X. These mods would normally have the MC version labelled next to the download, since it deviates from my norm. The only mods fitting this category are Morph and any ModJam-build versions of mods.
  • The version number is 1.X.XvY. The “1.X.X” denotes the Minecraft version while the “vY” part denotes the build for that version of Minecraft. Basically, <Minecraft>v<Build>. If the version is just 1.0.X, it is for Minecraft 1.5.X.

I’ll probably update this list in the future and link back here so that people don’t get confused and stuff. If you stumbled upon here looking for a version number that’s after the listed versions, try to go logically in order of major Minecraft releases and you should have your answer.

Some mods may have a “Deobf” download. If you’re not a modder, you probably won’t need this.



Oh. I probably should add that PortalGun and Gravity Gun are skipping 1.7 entirely. Because reasons. Some of it being life (I’ve moved to Ireland!), some of it being code-related. So please, just stop asking for it. I’ll try my best to bring it back in 1.8, GraviGun first then PortalGun after.


Tiny update to fix a couple of issue guys:
– Fixed for large servers (reduces memory load and cpu load). Thanks to slimshadeey1.
– Fixed health issue when logging out mid-morph.
– Fixed player hitboxes after sleeping.