Category: Mods

Its raining chickens!




Anyways, for the past 3 days I’ve been streaming “Portal Gun development”.


That’s the end of my stream for the while. The earliest I will stream again will probably be on Monday or Wednesday around the same times (2 pm EST).

As always the top bar will say LIVE in the livestream tab when I am streaming, so you can always look out for that. You can always follow me on to get emails for when I start streaming.


Now for explanation of the picture above.. yeah that happened during the stream. Around the 2:20:20 mark. I kinda got sidetracked 😛


Well now for news:

Its not really new news, but not many people really know about it anyways, but I am recoding portalgun from scratch (again). Hopefully this will improve a few issues i’ve been told about and improve the general quality and function of the mod. This is a decision I’ve made for a while (thus v0 of the mod for 1.4.2 and the coming 1.4.3), and I’ve already started it for the past 3 days, but this will take quite a while to complete since I have stuff to do as well IRL and such.


Anyways, that’s pretty much most of what I’ll be doing in terms of modding for the next few, so signing off for now.


Slender – Reimagined updated!


– When map is loaded up in Realism mode, time loops every 2000 Ticks from the time the map is loaded till 2000 ticks after.
– When map is loaded up in Realism mode, mobs will stop spawning and disappearing immediately.
– Fixed bug where shift-right clicking with no page spawns for group spawns will kick you from the server.

Alrighty.. So after spending a good couple of hours structuring the pages, etc and such… its finally finished. All the mod pages in the drop down menu above are fully accessible and contain the latest infomation on the mod itself.


Eventually I will be redirecting my mcf viewers to here to get the mods, hopefully when that happens there’s as minimal hiccups as possible.


On the other hand, here’s a zombie wearing long fall boots and holding a portalgun!



So… in the recently updated portalgun for 1.4.2 (v0), there originally was an issue with see through portals due to some of the obfuscation not updated from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2. This however has been fixed! So redownload and reinstall the mod if you have this issue.

Anyways… it resulted in this effect:

Pretty cool no? heh


Also, lets welcome namAehT (also known as TheAJGman) as one of the new posters for this blog!


The theme set right now doesn’t show who made the post, so I told him to leave a note at the end. So just in case you see a post without a signature at the end… its probably him 😛
