Category: Mods

– Relinking online resources to pull from another URL in preparation for 1.8’s Morph’s Ability system.
– Added a serverside config to constantly force the size of the player to prevent players from getting the “I’m a bat but my view is 2 blocks high” issue.

Hey guys,

Just wanna say that I am particularly proud of this update. Ages ago when I first reluctantly made the Gravity Gun mod, it was done because I had already somewhat done “entity grabbing” in Portal Gun, and I had not played Half-Life 2 yet at the time. Now though, things are different. I’ve actually played Half-Life 2 now, and I properly understand how the “Zero-Point Energy Manipulator” works.


First off, I’d like to point out that the gravity gun (GG) fancy model and sounds has received some improvements. Here’s a short list on what’s different:
– The normal GG’s claws will open and close, if whatever block or entity you are looking at can be picked up.
– The core of the GG pulsates with different intensities over time, allowing it to glow in the dark.
– Holding an entity shows the 3 electrical arcs from the claws radiating towards the center of the GG.
– Pushing/throwing an entity also causes the GG to strike out an electrical charge on the entity to indicate the force from the GG.
– The player’s left hand renders on the left grip of the GG.
– The supercharged GG also vibrates when you’re holding it. It’s claws are permanently opened and occasionally emits electrical pulses.
– Many sounds from the supercharged GG are played in a lower pitch, not unlike the actual game’s counterpart.
– Many many more sounds are played by the GG when being used, such as it humming when holding an entity, claws opening/closing, failing to push/grab an entity.


Functionality wise, the mod has also received some changes. Those I can remember now (default configs) are as listed:
– Most of the GG’s capabilities can be configured, with small exception to one or two features.
– The supercharged GG recipe can be disabled now, and syncs across servers.
– The normal GG is no longer capable of picking up tile entities. No more moving chests around with it!
– The normal GG’s grab reach has been extended to 5 blocks.
– The normal GG’s throw strength has been reduced slightly.
– The supercharged GG is basically a stronger version of the normal GG, using the normal GG’s values and amplifying it by it’s own factor. By default the GG also has a massively amplified grab factor, allowing it to grab entities up to 15 blocks away.
– Grabbing entities now use a simulated “weight” system. The normal GG can, by default, grab entities with a volume of less than 1.5(1.5^3). The supercharged GG, 33 (3^3). This means the normal GG cannot grab anything that’s slightly bigger than a spider (A spider calculates to about 1.43 [1.4^3]). I’m doing this because the normal GG is relatively cheap and I would like to make the supercharged GG appear more valuable and useful compared to the normal version.
– You can also adjust the distance your held entity is by holding the sneak key and scrolling the mouse wheel.
– Exclusive to the supercharged GG, it can grab several blocks at once. This is done by charging the GG with holding the LMB then holding the RMB, releasing the LMB when ready. The selection radius can be a little wonky at times, and the grab will fail if any block in that radius can not be picked up normally.


Anyways yeah, that’s about most of the changes I’ve implemented in GG this time round, so I hope you guys have fun with it, and give loads of feedback, I wanna hear it! I still have more plans for this mod in the future so you can look forward to a couple more things next update.

As usual, you can get the mod here.



iChunUtil 5.4.0:
– Added a general Logger class for use of mods so that console print outs would go through the FMLLog and be labelled with a mod name correctly.
– Added version check to prevent people running the 5.X.X builds of iChunUtil on Minecraft 1.7.10.
– Added an event that is thrown when the Minecraft Client is in a world after first connecting to a server.
– Added dummy Config Gui to allow mods that use iChunUtil’s Config System to have iChunUtil’s in-game config changer be accessed from the mods list from the main menu.
– Added labels to ElementHoriSlider for use of other mods in the future.
– Added new Patron Effect for Q2 of 2015 called “Ghost Trails”. Thanks to madjake45 for the suggestion.
– Added wrapper to render ModelBase classes in an ISmartModel. Simple and PerspectiveAware types available. Used for Item and Block models.
– Added Cube and Group metadata to the Tabula Project format. To be used in other mods in the future.
– Added a “renderTick” reference for other mods to use instead of having to cache their own.
– Added a “Swing Proof” registry for Items that do not swing the player arm because they are locked in a bow use animation.
– Added a “Grab” registry for mods that would like to allow EntityLivings to “grab” objects and keep them in front of their faces.
– Added an EntityBlock class that’s made for the purpose of carrying multiple blocks with their TileEntities in a single entity.
– Added a function to render electric/lightning arcs, taken and appropriated from the EntityLightning render.
– Fixed usage of the OreDictionary in terms of caching the OreDict entry instead of calling for it’s reference as requested by LexManos.
– Fixed “Restart required” prompt in the configs menu not showing up.
– Fixed number input boxes having improper lengths in the config changer menu.
– Fixed tooltips with \\n in them rendering as a single line.
– Fixed Voxel Patron Effect not working if the world daylight cycle was turned off.
– Fixed issue with patron effects and Factorization due to them ticking a shadow client world by using the world unload method.
– Fixed the top dock window blocking a docked ElementListTree implementation in the UI core.
– Fixed use of client-only function that was accidentally set in iChunUtil during the port to Minecraft 1.8, but was unused by any mod thusfar.
– Fixed issue changing configs in-game when there is a scroll bar in the configs menu and it is scrolled down.
– Updated Morph API references to match the ones that will be used in 1.8.0.
– Updated renderQuad method to match Forge’s due to their ISmartModel implementation.
– Notify users if they are changing a config that relies on the server’s session with the client that it may require a restart as well.
– Moved Tabula’s Exporter class to iChunUtil. It fits better there than with Tabula.
– Reorganised relevant patron effect classes in preparation for more Patron Effects in the future.
– iChunUtil now by default enables the use of stencils on the Minecraft framebuffer. If this causes issues with the client, disable it in the config.
– Improved mod version control to prevent end users using the wrong versions of mods on the wrong versions of Minecraft.
– Some minor background changes/tweaks.

Back Tools 5.1.0:
– Updated to the gui and logger system implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0.
– Disable rendering items that uses the ModelBaseWrapper in iChunUtil on the back.

Tabula 5.1.0:
– Updated to the gui and logger system implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0.
– Added option to lock swap the position and offset when moving a block.
– Fixed the minimum animation component key being 1 when it should be 0.
– Fixed cubes with one of the dimensions being 0, not appearing on the exported texture map.
– Clamp the rotation sliders to prevent the selectors from scrolling off the slider and off the window.
– Moved Tabula’s Exporter class to iChunUtil. It fits better there than with Tabula.
– Implemented the cube and group metadata implemented in the Tabula Project version 4.
– Removed checking for IItemRenderers for importing. It’s no longer used on 1.8.

Torched, Trail Mix 5.0.0:
– Updated to use various systems implemented in iChunUtil 5.4.0, and to Minecraft 1.8.0.

– More work has been done on WorldPortals
– Some changes have been made to the Tabula model format in preparation for Hats. The Tabula mod version 5.0.0 may not work with this version of iChunUtil.
– Tiny fixes to the Top Dock Window in the UI Core.
– Forge dependency bumped, mainly for PiP support.
– Added more ATs required by PiP and future mods.

– Ported to MC 1.8, obviously.
– Half-fixed the sky render during a sunset/sunrise (The colour is mildly better anyways)
– Issues with player shadows somewhat showing the fog render. I’m not sure how to fix this right now but the mod itself is functional.

Hey guys, it’s my birthday today! Wooot! Anyways, instead of being showered in gifts *ahem*, I’m gonna be the one giving the gifts now. What is it though? Crazily/Funnily/Ironically enough, it’s PortalGun and GravityGun 4.0.0-beta. Here’s the “changelog”:

– Ported to Minecraft 1.7.10.
– Fuel configs have been removed, but are still generated in the config.
– Fixed invalid sound playing when using GravityGun.
– Fixed “stuck in floor” bug prevalent in PortalGun for MC1.6.4.

Why “beta”?

It’s called a beta because this port was never meant to happen and was never planned. Work on this port was rushed but although there was some testing done, I cannot guarantee it to be bug-free and I am not going to be supporting the mod until the MC 1.8 version is released, unless it’s a critically breaking bug. I do not want to be wasting any more time on this especially considering the fact that I cannot reuse most of the code for 1.8. PortalGun itself took >13 hours just to port, so that’s just time I’d rather be spending on something else.


Right, so, the port is done, I now have every right to say, stop bothering me about it. Shoo. Let me work on 1.8 in peace.

Anyways, you can get the mod on here in the usual places or on CurseForge.


Cheers folks,