Get it heeeere.
This mod basically takes over Pig Grinder so it will no longer be updated.
Home to multiple minecraft mods including PortalGun, GravityGun, and Morph!
PG Changelog:
– Fixed mod compatibility with changing texture packs.
– Fixed shooting portals through glass/iron fences making it go through blocks.
– Fixed placing chests on portals crashing and corrupting the world.
– Fixed death.moon messages.
Version Naming changes:
Now that I’m using runtime deobfuscation for some of my mods, Portalgun will have a change of version naming.
Old naming: <Minecraft version>v<Build number>
New naming: <Initial number>.<Major release>.<Minor release>
Initial Number: Changes everytime an update to minecraft breaks runtime deobfuscation. Resets Major/Minor Release Number.
Major Release: Changes everytime something mod breaking is done, eg new mod content or major change of mod structure.
Minor Release: Changes everytime some small fixes which does not break the mod are done.
Get. It. Heeeeere.
Hey guys,
In case you didn’t know, I’m taking part in a Modding Event by Searge of MCP, called ModJam!
As a bunch of you might know by now… I’m somewhat making a “Hats” mod (No, not really like TF2 hats).
However, the mod needs models, so I need your help! (While I do all the code stuffz)
I’ll be sure to take a look at a bunch of submissions, they’re not really hard to make, and you need Techne, as usual.
Please note that once you submit the model you’ll be agreeing to allow me to make changes to the model as I see fit before it is put into the mod, as well as allowing the public to view/use it.
There won’t be a deadline on this yet, but I’ll try to pull as many hats as I can for the release of the mod. Additional hats may be added as a content addition later on.
The Hat Template is important for you to know how the hat will look like in the model (as the template has a single head model saved in)
Here’s an example of a top hat on top of the Hat Template:
An ingame shot can be seen above.
EDIT: Those of you looking for the mod can find it here.
When you’re doing a Physics assignment, and you’re assigned to write about “Lunar Gravity vs Earth and the Differences In Energy Used in Actions between the two”..
I strongly suggest against writing about the Gravity Gun mod, and then citing this blog as a source for physics info.
Even more so, when the person checking it, knows where to find me 😛
You know who you are.
– iChun
PortalGun 1.5.0v2
– Fixed critical block placement/removal issue with causes it’s neighbours not to update.
– Fixed crashing when dying in a singleplayer hardcore world.
– Fixed NEI console spam.
– Renamed the Material Emancipation Grid to Grill.
– Attempted fix for player stuck in ground bug.
– Attempted mem leak patch.
GravityGun 1.5.0v2
– Fixed critical grabbing issue not updating surrounding blocks
– Attempted mem leak patching.
At this time, the primary links (Creeperrepo) are down, so use the mirror links first.
Gravity Gun, PortalGun and Trail Mix now requires a “shared library” mod dependency, iChun Util. iChun Util makes it easier for me to reference similar functions used by all three mods. Think of it of something like “CodeChickenCore”, except it isn’t a coremod.
Also, the 4 mentioned mods now use the new “Runtime Deobfuscation” method provided by FML/Forge. As Minecraft updates there should be no reason to update certain mods, unless things break, thanks to FML.
Unfortunately to allow this, the file size of a bunch of the mods may have increased slightly (heh, what’s 1 or 2 more extra mb nowadays anyways).
If any issues were to arise from runtime deobf, let me know immediately and I will see what I can do about it.
PortalGun 1.5.0v1
– Fixes here and there… Lost track of them.
– Fixed issue with addBlockIDToGrabList in API.
– Fixed crash issue with singing turrets.
– Weighted Cubes will not drop an item if broken by Creative Players
– Now requires iChun Util.
– Introduction of Hard Mode for PortalGun
– Added console print out when receiving invalid IMCMessage
GravityGun 1.5.0v1
– Fixed issue with addBlockIDToGrabList in API.
– Now requires iChun Util.
Trail Mix and DeathCounter 1.5.0v1
– Now requires iChun Util. (Trail Mix only)
– Ported to 1.5
Unknown to many, today (March 9) is actually Portal Gun’s 2nd birthday! Yep, it’s been two long years of this mod being available to the public, and of course, the various updates including content and fixes. Wow, how much it has grown since then. How much many things have changed since then, too.
Today marks a special milestone for the mod. You guys playing with portals today may notice a surprise on your wall portals. An easter egg has been put in on wall portals as a mark of another year passed, as well as to bring truth to “The cake is a lie!”.
In accordance to it’s birthday, I will also be introducing a half-baked idea (it’s not really “sciency”, I agree, but it was an idea, and I’m trying it out), called Portal Gun “Hard Mode” <–clickable. It’s a config option which makes getting a Portal Gun even harder. Some have even dubbed it “Greg mode”. Either way, this config will be included in PortalGun builds 1.5 onwards, and is very heavily subject to change. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. Like I said, it doesn’t really fit the theme of the mod, and will probably change in the future.
Besides that, I will also be opening my mod pack perms on PortalGun and Gravity Gun, for Private FTB Packs. From today onwards, Private FTB Packs are allowed to include PortalGun and/or Gravity Gun as long as the FTB Team is permitted to use them. This however, means that if I were to revoke permissions from the FTB Team, it would immediately revoke them from all Private FTB Packs as well, and they will have to be removed. Thankfully, I don’t see that likely any time soon, enjoy it while it lasts!
Cheers, and Happy Birthday, Portal Gun!
– iChun
– Fixed crashing issue with packet payload too large (due to too many players :O )
– Fixed turrets targeting players who placed them although set not to. Turrets will have to be replaced.
– Fixed turretMode 3 not targeting hostile mobs.
– Fixed “floating portal” bug when portals are placed on floating sand.
– Increased raytrace of moon portal shooting to 500 blocks to decrease chance of “accidents”
– Added command option to clear moon portals onto existing clearPortals command.
– Added option to disallow command executers to be grabbed with the portal gun.
I get these questions asked A LOT, so here’s a general FAQ for all those many questions I get which I’ve been answering again and again!