Category: PortalGun

Hey guys, recently I’ve been thinking of swapping out the Pedestal/portalgun models that we currently have ingame, one of which I created using Techne in JUNE 2011. (Yeah it’s pretty old)

Here’s a picture of it:


So… I was wondering,

How’d you like to make a PortalGun model?

That’s right guys. While I’m busy with the rewrite, at the same time I would like to change the portalgun model with something perhaps better looking and a bit more detailed.

You guys now have the chance of creating a model for the mod! You will of course, get creds if selected.

Here’s what you have to do:

  1. You need to get Techne. (sorry mac/linux users!)
  2. You need to make a model and texture of the pedestal [Example here and here] and with the portalgun attached (like the picture above). Make sure to read the model guidelines too!
  3. You need to upload a screenshot of the model or upload it to Techne Online, upload the tcn save file from Techne somewhere readily accessible.
  4. Post a link to the screenshot/Techne Online as well as the download to the TCN file in the comments of this post.
  5. Hope your model gets selected!
  6. (Optional) If you’d like to continue adding details to your model/make another new one you can do so and post another comment. I will be selecting the one I find best!

Please note that once you submit the model you’ll be agreeing to allow me to make changes to the model as I see fit before it is put into the mod, as well as allowing the public to view/use it.

There is no deadline for this yet, but doesn’t mean you can dilly dally, if you want a shot at it, please submit it before I DO set a deadline!


Model Guidelines:

  • The model HAS to be of the Pedestal with a portalgun on top. The portalgun model is derived from this model. You can use the old model and the screenshot links above as a guideline.
  • The model can be of ANY size, the larger it is, the more detailed you can make it both modelwise and texturewise. Please try to make it larger than the old model though, because that itself was undersized.
  • Please maintain the height/width ratio for the model! I can’t shoot a portal from a portalgun that’s waaay too high or waaay too low.
  • Model Shapes which are NOT PART OF THE BASE have to have their position at 0, 6, 0, so use the offset to move them! (Technically the 6 [second value] can be any value, but i’m just placing one to simplify matters)


So, that’s basically it for now, hope to see some awesome submissions in the near future!

I’ve already gotten a potential candidate! (Thanks again mr_hazard|d95, you truly are an awesome person 😀 )

– iChun

UPDATE: Deadline is finally set, 1st Dec, 12 am EST.

Hey guys, there is a small issue with the webhost running this website for the moment.

Its generating too much bandwidth!

In two weeks you guys manage to generate 2.8 TB (yes terrabytes) of data on the server. Normally the amount allocated each month is 3TB (yes i’m THAT close), so it kinda raised some red flags over in Creeperhost Central.


So…. Paul_T (owner of Creeperhost) has come to me with a proposal to move my files over to a service he provides specially for minecraft modders, a creeperhost repository. For now most (if not all) of the site’s files will be hosted on creeperhost’s repo.

Later today I will be updating portalgun which moves the mod’s sound downloading over to the new repo (unfortunately its… somewhat hardcoded so I can’t do it without an update to the mod)

So, it would do me and creeperhost a HUGE favour if you are installing portalgun for the first time, to use the updated version (should be 1.4.4v0.1) instead.


– iChun


UPDATE: 1.4.4v0.1 is up.

Alright if you guys look at the page bar now you’ll see a new Wiki page.

This is a whole new wiki for the portal gun mod! 😀


Feel free to contribute to it as much as you want!


Many huge thanks to manmaed for helping get all the pages on the wiki set up! Salute! o7



Its raining chickens!




Anyways, for the past 3 days I’ve been streaming “Portal Gun development”.


That’s the end of my stream for the while. The earliest I will stream again will probably be on Monday or Wednesday around the same times (2 pm EST).

As always the top bar will say LIVE in the livestream tab when I am streaming, so you can always look out for that. You can always follow me on to get emails for when I start streaming.


Now for explanation of the picture above.. yeah that happened during the stream. Around the 2:20:20 mark. I kinda got sidetracked 😛


Well now for news:

Its not really new news, but not many people really know about it anyways, but I am recoding portalgun from scratch (again). Hopefully this will improve a few issues i’ve been told about and improve the general quality and function of the mod. This is a decision I’ve made for a while (thus v0 of the mod for 1.4.2 and the coming 1.4.3), and I’ve already started it for the past 3 days, but this will take quite a while to complete since I have stuff to do as well IRL and such.


Anyways, that’s pretty much most of what I’ll be doing in terms of modding for the next few, so signing off for now.


Alrighty.. So after spending a good couple of hours structuring the pages, etc and such… its finally finished. All the mod pages in the drop down menu above are fully accessible and contain the latest infomation on the mod itself.


Eventually I will be redirecting my mcf viewers to here to get the mods, hopefully when that happens there’s as minimal hiccups as possible.


On the other hand, here’s a zombie wearing long fall boots and holding a portalgun!



So… in the recently updated portalgun for 1.4.2 (v0), there originally was an issue with see through portals due to some of the obfuscation not updated from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2. This however has been fixed! So redownload and reinstall the mod if you have this issue.

Anyways… it resulted in this effect:

Pretty cool no? heh


Also, lets welcome namAehT (also known as TheAJGman) as one of the new posters for this blog!


The theme set right now doesn’t show who made the post, so I told him to leave a note at the end. So just in case you see a post without a signature at the end… its probably him 😛
